Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 17

Today's the last day of this term and the last for 17 days to make a difference.I really don't know what to do but good thing I have a church meeting today.When we were playing games one of the person got hurt and had to stay out for the entire game.So I stayed out and talked to them.They were happy but didn't say anything.I've made a change by not letting them feel lonely.


Anonymous said...

You did a something to be proud of. If I were left out, the worst thing would be to sit there watching everyone play. Good Job

Mr. Read said...

I was really entertained reading your posts Stanley. Some of them made me laugh, like your dumpling one and also day 11 when you made your family dinner! At least you tried. That's the only way to learn isn't it!

I think you've completed a very successful 17 Days to Make a Difference. You've carried out many kind deeds. I think you're a thoughtful, caring person and a good son to your parents.