Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 17

Today's the last day of this term and the last for 17 days to make a difference.I really don't know what to do but good thing I have a church meeting today.When we were playing games one of the person got hurt and had to stay out for the entire game.So I stayed out and talked to them.They were happy but didn't say anything.I've made a change by not letting them feel lonely.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 16

Today during soccer practise it was raining and everyone ran under a tree.Our coach then called all of our parents my mum arrived first.I ran towards our car,when I got there I forgot my drink bottle.So I ran back with an umbrella this time but I also find something else it was a soccer ball and someone's drink bottle.I took the and gaved it to my coach.He said thanks .I felt good because I could just left the ball and drink bottle there in the rain.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 15

Today I don't konw what to do for my good deed so I helped my mum made dumplings. She was really happy although I wasn't really good at making them.